- your users actually want -
HydroBand looks forward to being a partner for your business. Our design team with work with you to customize our bands to fit your unique style, brand, & business needs.
Stop giving away magnets & tote bags.
Promote your business in style with an item your consumers will be excited to use.

Uniquely designed to meet your business needs
1 in 3 people regularly carry reusable water bottles during work, social, and physical activities. Let your consumers promote your business for you by creating a custom HydroBand that fits any water bottle. Say goodbye to branded stress balls and pens that never leave home.
HydroBand is THE next big promotional product. With huge bulk discounts & fully customizable designs, HydroBand is the obvious choice when considering your next promotional order. What are you waiting for?

Need more info? Have questions about bulk pricing? Email us at info@hydrobandus.com or use the contact form here.
We can't wait to hear from you!